
Everlast powerpro 205si

Check Out This Mind-Blowing Everlast Powerpro 205SI

There are so many awesome tools in my shop. Just a random walk will reveal a plasma cutter sitting next to my workbench, several MIG welders, my beloved ESAB multi-process and of course my tombstone welder. Just that little trip around my shop made me think of getting a new multi-process machine for the field….

Hobart 210 mvp Comparison Hobart 190

Hobart 210 VS 190: Which One Is The Right For You?

So I’m at the end of my day and I’m sitting here at my local neighborhood coffee shop (I know, I know, but I sometimes need a break from all the delicious cream ales and IPAs) and I started to think about welders. I’ve done reviews in the past on the 210 MVP and the…

Goplus MIG 130

The Controversial Truth About Goplus MIG 130

Recently I hired a new fabricator to work in my shop. He is a great kid, picks up information fast, works hard and is really doing a good job. Like any good business owner, I like to invest my time where I see results… So I decided to teach Bobby* (not his real name) some…

Forney 299 Welder

Forney 299 Welder Product Review

This weekend was an interesting one for me. I didn’t get challenged to build anything particularly awesome or anything like that. But I did get challenged to pick a good welder on a budget. Actually to assemble a whole welding kit on a budget. A kit you say? Yep. Everything a new welder would need:…

Forney 190 MIG Welder

Forney 190 MIG Welder: The Full Review and Specs

I was enjoying my weekend outside the fab shop… Sipping some delicious award-winning whiskey… With my fabricating friends… And then it happened. The conversation turned to welders. To be honest it was Welders, history, and technology. Wait! You mean to say you had a conversation outside of laying the best bead ever? I actually did……

esab rebel 215ic

Esab rebel 215ic Product Review

Let’s talk about welders…Specifically, the ESAB rebel 215ic. The funny thing about this machine is that it’s so polarizing. When it’s a topic of conversation things get heated…Some guys love it…Some guys hate it…Some guys will not even touch it. So… Let’s break it down. In This Esab Rebel 215ic Review You Will Learn: The…

Hobart Ironman 230 VS Miller 211

Hobart Ironman 230 vs Miller 211: Which Should I Buy?

This week my buddy just returned from England and we got together for our weekly cigar and whiskey. He was able to bring back an excellent whiskey  I highly recommend IF you can get your hands on it. I like my whiskey like my welding machines, strong and a great value for the dollar! Do…

Lotos MIG 140

Lotos MIG 140 Product Review

When I weld usually stick to some heavy duty pro machines. I favor the pro machines because I’m usually doing heavier MIG work. I’m talking ¾ inch… ½ inch…even up to 1-inch plates. So… Naturally, I need a machine that can perform. Day in and day out – no breaks. I use a Miller, a Hobart…

Hobart Handler 140 VS Hobart 190

Comparing The Hobart handler 140 vs Hobart handler 190

In this comparison, we are going to talk about two great welders. In fact, it’s going to be just like talking about two brothers. An older brother and a younger brother. Our “brothers” are the Hobart handler 140 and the  Hobart handler 190. We are going to cover all the important information here so you will…