Lincoln 140 MIG Welder Product Review

  • By: Monica Shulz

So I’m out in the field welding some diamond plate ramps for my buddy…we are making a motorcycle lift for his old Ninja… And then the power goes out.

I check the box and we are good…so I’m hoping it’s not the local utility company.

And then BAM… I find a few of his neighbors on the dirt road. Ugh, I think to myself. The power is done and this is going to be a long day. My 210 MVP needs 220v to operate and my buddy has no generator in sight. How am I going to get this welded up in a short time?

My shop is a good 4 hours away and home depot is only 18 minutes away… I know you see where this is going. So I walked out of home depot with a red welder and a generator. And it was awesome.

Also Read:
Hobart 210 VS 190: Which One Is The Right For You?

In this review you’ll get:

  • An overview of the Lincoln 140 Mig welder and specifications
  • The generator I ran the welder from (and some other power source information)
  • Answers to common questions about welding and the Lincoln 140
  • A recommended upgrade to the Lincoln 140 and a more affordable option.

And the Lincoln 140 was a good solution to our problem. We used both the flux core and the gas with this machine – off a generator. We welded 5/16 mild steel supports with flux and we used gas on the 1/16 bed for the motorcycle. I was surprised that the 140 had smooth wire flow and produced a solid arc.

I’ll be honest with you – I thought this would be a crappy machine that would end up sitting in my shop on the wall of shame – with the Goplus MIG 130 I inherited.

I was so surprised by the performance I had to write this review. In fact, this machine is going to sit in the back of my Chevy for small job sites. It’s a great price, delivers solid performance and comes with world-class support. I think we have a winner.

Specifications of the Lincoln 140

So as soon as I got to home depot I was definitely distracted. I wandered into the power tools sections and I almost didn’t get out without buying 1k of tools I wanted. In fact, I started doing research and found a good comparison of their house brand drill.

But, let’s get back to the action.

Raw stats

Here is the breakdown of our MIG welder:

  • 120 v power, so you can hook up to regular home electric
  • 30-140 amp output range
  • 71 lbs
  • 2 taps – wire speed and voltage
  • 20% duty cycle
  • Cast aluminum drive box
  • Welds up 3/16 with gas, 5/16 Flux core wire

So for an average out of the box welder, it doesn’t look like much. But sometimes a good welder, let a good woman has more important features on the inside – and that’s what we’re really looking for.

Lincoln 140 MIG Welder Testimonials

I was really put off by this machine when I first looked at it. The low volts, the 4 amp settings, and the flux core wire… I just couldn’t take it seriously. Then I welder with it. This thing works and it’s awesome.

See The Original Testimonial From D. Grant Here


I’ve used all the functions on this machine, flux core and gas welding. It’s a solidly built machine and I recently constructed a trailer. I love it, the only thing is you need a 20 amp line for this. I tried a 15 amp circuit and it blew in under a minute.

See The Original Testimonial From R. Broadhurst Here


What The Machine Can Really Do

Now I mentioned I was welding a ramp for my buddies motorcycle – so we got to use this machine live and in the field.  It’s a basic machine that has limited controls. And I really like that-, especially for a beginner. Why? So can focus on welding and laying some good beads and not tinkering with your machine.

We started with the flux core on some lightly rusted 5/16 solid stock. We made some cross bracing for our ramp- and the first thing I noticed was the smooth delivery. I used a Lincoln powermig 256 before and have experience with their Diamond core technology.

The arc is not as smooth as the 256 … but still awesome for an entry level machine. The wire delivery is super smooth and I’m really starting to like the lincoln’s system the more I use it.

Their cast Aluminum drive is pretty durable and a welcomed surprise since most entry-level machines -even Hobart’s-use plastic.

Can the 140 really run off of a generator?

Yes. You just need one with a 20 amp circuit. I’ve seen a lot of reviews, where they used a 15 amp receptacle and it popped with 20 seconds of welding. So be sure to use a heavy duty outlet.

Now, the generator I used was a troy-bilt generator – which I found to be a pretty good value and I’ve used these in the past – they are pretty durable. But in case you can’t get to a home depot or just want a generator delivered to you – this one is a great option.

What about home use and power issues?

Just like a lot of entry-level welders you will probably have power issues if you have older electric. You are going to need a dedicated 20 amp receptacle for the Lincoln 140.

Now – every home is set up a little bit differently. I get that so your results might be different. But I will say this – with limited power (not a dedicated line) you will only generate limited amps – so your welding thickness will be affected.

Can the Lincoln be used for production work?

That’s a great question. The short answer is no. WIth production work, you’ll need a wide range of amps and volts to handle thicker gauge material. You’ll also need a much higher duty cycle for sustained welding (arc time) throughout the day.

Now, if you had a situation where you’re doing plug welds or tack welds on some thin gauge material you could use the 140, but again it’s going to be limited in use.

I like the Lincoln but feel a heavier duty machine would be better.

A heavier duty machine would be best in a fabrication setting, so for fabrication in a shop or in the field, there are two machines that come to mind right away. For the shop, I would recommend the Hobart Ironman 230. It’s a solid machine that I use to weld all day long.

In the field, I would suggest something lighter. Now depending what you’re welding a good stick welder would do the trick and I always have one in the truck. A good all-around MIG machine for the shop would be this Hobart here.

Also Read:
Hobart 210 VS 190: Which One Is The Right For You?
Hobart Ironman 230 VS Miller 252
Hobart 130 VS 140


The 140 is a solid machine – especially for the beginner or the DIY’er who wants a quality machine. What makes this stand out from all the machines in the market is really simple:

  • World class support (great for a newbie with a lot of questions).
  • Solid construction will make this machine last.
  • Limited controls for ease of use.
  • Smooth wire delivery and good, constant arc.

Those are the basics you need in a good welder, and this machine delivers.

What would be a more affordable welder for someone starting out?

I get asked this questions a lot. So, I know you might have a limited budget and you need to buy a good set of gloves, a hood, and jacket.

With that in mind, I like this machine for a beginner- it’s solid and will not break the bank.