Introducing The Secrets About Germguardian AC5250PT Here

  • By: Monica Shulz

Today’s air purifier market resembles the wild west of the Internet some 20 years ago. In the United States, the Federal Government has very few limitations on air purifiers and how they createAir Purification Machines ozone in your home. According to “Consumer Reports,” creating ozone on top of our regular atmosphere or “air” that we breathe can be dangerous, even if they are deemed to be safe levels.

That’s Why It Ss Wise That You Do Your Due Diligence When It Comes To Air Purification Machines

We have always encouraged customers to include air purifiers to rooms in their house after a flood or fire restoration for the simple fact that they work to clean toxins from the air you breathe such as dust, mold, smoke, allergens and pet hair and pollen.

You’ll go over these later in this review.

There are many choices in air purifiers that this reviewer doesn’t think they would all fit in Kim Kardashian closet.


Several of my customers have chosen GermGaurdian ac525pt, to place in their most used spaces.

Mainly the Living room, kitchen, and the bedrooms….

What Makes This Air Purifier Stand Out From Many Single Room Units?

It’s unique sleek design that fits most design styles and stands only 28 inches tall.

If the color doesn’t fit your decor it can easily be hidden in a corner or beside a couch.

That’s not all….

That is just the surface, Check This Out…[toc]

The GermGuardian AC5250PT Filters The Air in 3 Unique Ways:

  1. The Hepa Filter helps eliminate 99.97% of nasty pollen, dust mites, floating pet hair (also known as pet dander,) and other allergens that can cause coughing, sneezing, scratchy throats, and irritated itching or running eyes.
  2. UV-C light Sanitizer destroys airborne germs, bacteria, mold spores that could be hidden behind walls or growing around a door entrance that you haven’t seen yet. These common yet harmful pollutants can cause colds or even spur an asthma attack.
  3. The pet “Pure” Treatment filter is charcoal based that sits on the front suction vent that helps reduce foul odors in a room caused from cooking foods, smoke odor from Uncle Joe’s cigar and even dog odors that Fido pick up while on a walk making him smell like a tadpole.

While air purifiers aren’t the cure for the common cold and eliminate all bad odors they do make a room’s air healthier and much easier and cleaner to breathe. Click here to learn the facts about this air purifier.


Best Air Purifier for Asthma?

I can’t definitively say this is the best air purifier on the market for asthma, I am not a doctor and never played one on a T.V. soap opera, I will say that it will help sanitize the air and filter out pollutants that can cause an attack.

The best advice if you suffer from chronic asthma or bronchitis is to ask your doctor.

GermGuardian AC5250PT Pros

3 in 1 Pure Air Treatment: How can you go wrong with a charcoal filter for cleaning up floating toxins, a UV-C light that kills mold spores, and a HEPA Filter that eliminates up to 99.97% of allergens, including cat hair  that will make the air in your home cleaner than most using similar units and you only need one machine.

CADR with a 125+ rating, you’ll discover a little more about CADR here. This machine is for rooms up to 193 square feet. Approximately 10’x12’ x 10”room. Perfect for small living spaces and bedrooms with ceiling up to 10 feet in height.

Size Matters: The tower unit is 11″L x 6.75″W x 27.25″H and can be hidden beside a couch, chair or near a fireplace. Or you can set it in a corner of the room. The black color in most cases will blend with the shadows.

5 Fans Speeds: This unit has a five fan setting from low to high depending on fast you want to get rid of dangerous pollutants.

UV-C an Important Part Of This Air System: Several years ago, I have seen HVAC installers use UV-C lights inside of ductwork to kill mold that builds up inside and could cause health problems. This is the same type of light that is used to do the same thing. This is one of my favorite features of the GermGaurdian ac5250pt.

Change Out Reminder: People are busy and many forget to change the filters in their furnaces and air conditioners. The filter change alarm notifies you when you need to change it out.

The filter lasts up to six months. We recommend that you purchase an extra filter when buying this unit to keep on hand. Filter changes happen when you least expect it.

Energy Pure Star Qualified: One of the most important features to look for with an air purifier is how much energy the unit consumes.

You want the most efficient unit possible, and this one is energy star compliant, which is really good.

5-Year Limited Warranty: Is a true testament to the manufacturer that they believe in their products. Most appliances only in your home only come with a one year warranty. Be sure to read your owners manual and only use genuine Guardian replacement part or you will void all warranties. See the cons below for more……


GermGuardian AC5250PT Cons

Smell: Most air purifiers have a swimming pool smell due to the chemical used to clean the air. This is normal for any air purifier and the smell will diminish over time.

Fan Sound: I read several complaints about the sound of the fan when on a higher setting. If you are sensitive to high pitched sounds such as a small fan in the hot summer, then you probably shouldn’t turn the fan speed any higher than 3 on the speed digital dial.

UV-C Light: This air purifier may have a sensitivity to power surges much like desktop computers, which may cause the UV-C ultraviolet light to burn out prematurely. We highly suggest that you get a power surge protector to plug this unit into to prevent any power problems with the electronics.

GermGuardian AC5250PT Testimonials

Good unit, so much so that I have 3 now! Since my wife is allergic to all kinds of things, I have bought several of these air units and she has definitely noticed an improvement. I will note that I have had one issue with the product… Although the unit does a good job and is built of a good quality, all the UV lights burnt out within a couple of weeks AND I’ve had to replace the HEPA filter in just under 3 months. If I decide to keep using these models, they could get very expensive…
Click Here To See The Original Testimonial Of Chris A.

Works well for pet owners! With a cat and two dogs, there ends up being a lot of stuff floating around our house, but after buying this filter we noticed a big difference! The first filter became black in less than a month, which was to be expected. The house smells fresher!
Click Here To See The Original Testimonial Of JR on

Where To Buy The GermGuardian AC5250PT?

While you can purchase this smart pure sanitizer at Best Buy, Target, and Wal-Mart, the place is online at Amazon, because their service is fantastic and for a limited time free shipping.

GermGuardian Won’t Turn On:  If you run into a problem where your unit will not turn on the there is a little button on the top of the purifier that you can use a paper clip to push the button and hold for five seconds. The unit should start.

Final Thoughts About The GermGuardian AC5250PT

As mentioned earlier in this review several of my restoration customers have purchased this air purifier for their homes and they love the clean air system. They are only meant for small rooms and not the whole house but the cost of a whole house air purification system could easily get into the five-figure range.

This is a really good appliance for single room purification considering all the aftermarket units that are less than quality compared to Honeywell, or the GG ac4825vs. ac5000, to the reviewed product.

Which has more features including removing animal dander?

Don’t delay order today and get free shipping while it is still available.

I read that the free shipping may be taken away soon.

Click Here To Order Your GermGuardian AC525OPT With Free Shipping Today.