When you’re looking for bathroom wall wallpaper, your options are nearly limitless. With so many options available, from vibrant solids to tacky 70’s throwbacks, you might write all your white options off as boring and sterile.
That’s simply not the case. Here are 14 white bathroom wallpaper ideas that blow the multitude of other options out of the water.
White Bathroom Wallpaper Ideas
1: White with Greyscale Wildflowers

With this idea, you get the same idea eye-catching greyscale look as the last idea, but the flowers are swapped out from roses and tulips to abstract fields of luscious wildflowers. It’s the relaxing, freeing aesthetic that will make your bathroom stand out.
2: White Wall Half and Half with Tiles

With white wall paper covering the upper half of the bathroom walls, and vibrant green tiles lining the bottom half, this half and half design is simple yet aesthetically pleasing with an upscale vibe.
3: White Wall and Pineapple

Do you want a little bit of the beachside vibe to give you a pick-me-up in the morning? This white pineapple print wallpaper does just that. It’s modern, chic, and adds a bit of fun and excitement to your morning routine.
4: White Wallpaper

This white bathroom wallpaper is classy and timeless while still being relevant to your modern style. It’s white with abstract floral designs that add just enough pop to liven up your bathroom.
5: Old Fashioned Wallpaper on Bathroom

This classic look has a lot in common with our first entry on this list. It uses a stark white backdrop to make elegant greyscale flowers steal the show and visually impress you. However, the floral designs are smaller and lean more towards a traditional aesthetic.
6: Bathroom White Wallpaper with Luxury Design

Want your bathroom to feel like a luxurious getaway? This white wall paper with luxurious line work will bring the upscale vibes and enchanting look you crave. It pairs beautifully with well-polished, high-end bathroom fixtures for a little extra flair.
7: White Wallpaper with Kids Design on Bathroom

Looking for a family-friendly aesthetic the kids will love? Try this wallpaper with sea turtles and their little ocean friends. It matches any bathroom, and your kids will like it a lot more than boring tile work or extravagant, artistic pieces.
8: Bathroom 3D Rendering White Wallpaper Design

Do you like the simplicity of white wallpaper but need a little bit of detail to break it up? This 3D line pattern doesn’t overpower the eggshell white base, but it gives just enough visual complexity to your bathroom to keep it looking great.
9: Pineapple Road Project White Wallpaper Bathroom

This pineapple-themed design is less Caribbean and more classic charm. The white background is broken up with a multitude of perfectly aligned pineapple bunches that are whimsical, fun, and classy for that traditional look.
10: White and Baby Blue Wallpaper

This white bathroom wallpaper is accented by patterned baby blue splashes. This creates a versatile design that is family-friendly, perfect for upscale looks, and neutral enough for homes being put up for sale. It matches any occasion.
11: Off White Wallpaper Old Looking

What was old is new again, and the same goes for wallpaper. Luckily, this off-white with old-fashioned design elements lets you skip the decades-long wait and jump right to the retro look you crave.
12: Long Looking Bathroom

This mind-tricking wallpaper can make even the smallest bathroom look like it stretches on for miles. It’s off-white with purposefully placed pattern work that is truly mind-boggling, but it still has an upscale vibe about it.
13: White and Blue Flowers on the Wallpaper

This eggshell-white wallpaper is accented with white and blue flowers that resemble a Fleur de Lis for a timeless, exquisite look that will match most décor options. It’s simple, high class, and extremely versatile.
14: White Wall with Flowers

This idea like the first entry uses white as a graceful backdrop for a bold and elegantly printed, greyscale, floral mural. The stark contrast of white with greyscale flowers creates an unbeatable modern look with a luxurious flair.
Use These Bathroom Wallpaper Ideas for Your Next Bathroom Project
As you can see, white bathroom wallpaper can easily bring new life to your old bathroom and make it truly pop. Give any of these ideas a spin for your next bathroom project and watch that boring bathroom turn into your new favorite room.
For best results, take your lighting and water fixture designs into account, and pick an option that ties everything together.