How to Make a Profile Pipe for Welding

  • By: Monica Shulz

Are you an avid welder in search of top welding secrets to making your DIY experience a little more thrilling? You have landed on the right platform. You are about to learn something that will blow your mind. You will learn a simple yet inexpensive way to connect a profile pipe without breaking a sweat.

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Select The Right Size Steel Square Tubing

In making your profile pipe, start by finding a pair of steel square tubing. Ideally, the tubing should be about 1-inch-thick or less and with square sides of about 20mm by 20mm long. Preferably, use shorter length tubing of about 30cm long or less. To ensure you have the right measurements, place the side of the tubes by side and test how the edges fit in an L shape.

Square steel tubing is preferred for its strength, rigidity, ease of welding, cutting, forming, and machining with the right tools. Remember this type of square tube welding is ideal for general fabrication, especially for decorative purposes.

Mark The Tubing Appropriately

When you are certain the tubes are fitting each other perfectly, proceed to mark your cutting measurements on a third square steel tubing to produce the angle joint. Lay your square tubing on the worktop. Grab a try square and start drawing your markings accordingly using a welder’s marking pen.

First, place the try square a few inches from the square edge of the tubing and draw a straight line. Next, turn the try square diagonally from one end of the marked line and mark another line to form a triangular marking.

Then, flip the square tubing to its adjacent surface and mark another straight line a few inches from the square edge. Do this for all four surfaces of the tube. On the opposite surface of the triangular marking, make a similar triangular mark without touching the tip of the square edge of the tubing.

Roll over the tubing to its adjacent surface and draw a straight line connecting the tip of the triangular line to the edge of its adjoining surface. The entire marking and drawing should give you a clear demarcation for making your angular cuts.

Cut Out The Demarcations

Clamp your marked tubing or hold it firmly against your worktop. Make sure the marked end is slightly sticking out from the worktop. Using an angle grinder, carefully follow the route of the marked surfaces and begin making your cuts along the lines.

Preferably start grinding on the angular or diagonal lines on the opposite surfaces. Do you recall marking the diagonal lines? The reason the line did not stretch all the way to the edge was to create a small cutting allowance.

Now, after grinding the angular lines, cut the tubing along the allowance from where the surface touches the diagonal line. This should detach the entire demarcated area from the rest of the steel square tubing. In this stage, we only get rid of the triangular-shaped markings.

Map Out The Final Angle Joint

With the initial straight-line markings still intact, proceed with more cut markings on the remaining angular edge of the steel tubing. Lay the tubing with the marked surface facing upward. Place another steel square tube on the marked tubing uprightly. It should lean more toward the shorter side of the slanting tubing edge.

Leave only a small angular allowance and holding the upright tubing in place, mark a short line to make a ‘Y’ intersection with the other straight line. Using a triangle ruler, extrapolate the short line all the way to the diagonal edge of the tubing.

That should transition the markings from a ‘Y’ shape to an ‘X’ shape. Then, make two small ‘X’ markings within the bigger ‘X’, one on the inside of the shape and the other one on the outside just next to the point of intersection.

Next, roll over the marked tubing on the opposite side with a straight line marking and repeat the ‘X’ marking procedure. Roll the tubing over again on the surface connecting the two ‘X’ sides. Connect the extrapolated ‘X’ lines on both sides by drawing a straight line.

Cut Out The Final Angle Joint

Clamp your marked steel tubing appropriately and begin making your cuts. Start by grinding along the extrapolated ‘X’ lines on both surfaces. This should be followed by grinding the straight line connecting the opposite marked surfaces. The outcome of this final exercise is a small fine masterpiece to be used as the angle joint connecting the two steel square tubing along their square edges.

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Bind The Two Steel Square Tubing

Once your chopped-off piece cools down, start the binding process. Lay your two identical steel tubing in the initial L shape leaving a V-shaped allowance between them to fit the cut-out angle joint. Carefully insert the small piece in the allowance and ensure it fits perfectly. You can even reinforce its stillness using a hammer’s edge or something a little heavier to ensure it doesn’t dislodge as you arc weld it.

Switch on your MIG welder and start attaching the angle joint piece to the two steel square tubing. Weld the pieces along the connection edges, making sure to seal off all the loopholes. Once everything has cooled off, grab your grinder and start smoothening the welded sections.

The final piece you end up with is a sparkling clean profile pipe ready for ornamental use. Just to be sure, insert your triangle ruler and check if the angles align well.


Making a profile pipe for welding doesn’t have to be difficult if you know what you are doing. All you need is the right environment, tools, and knowledge. The author of the video has provided the knowledge free of charge. Now, good luck making your profile pipe!

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Photo by DIY projects / CC BY 3.0