How to Get Mildew Smell out of Clothes (Tutorial w/ Pictures)

  • By: Monica Shulz

Have you ever opened your closet or your drawer expecting to be greeted by a nice fresh t-shirt or some other clothes, only to be assaulted by the stench of mildew? This is an all-too-common occurrence that has plagued many people since clothes were invented, and thankfully people have had thousands of years to come up with solutions of How To Get Mildew Smell out of Clothes. Mildew smell is caused by certain microbes that are attracted to humid places, and when your clothes get moist for whatever reason, whether you’ve been sweating in them or the air happens to be really humid, it’s not long before mildew smell begins to set in. Luckily there’s an easy step by step process you can take to get the mold and mildew stain out of your clothes.
Whether you want to know how to get mold out of fabric, how to get smoke smell out of clothes, or how to remove mildew stain, this method is guaranteed to work on all of them. Join me as I go through the steps you can take to get rid of any mildew smell from your clothes.

The ingredients we are going to use are:


Mildew Smell out of Clothes1: Turn up your water heater to Very Hot (the hottest setting)Wait for it to turn scalding hot.


Mildew Smell out of Clothes

2: Fill up with SUPER hot water and put in your clothes. NB! It’s now VERY HOT and you should be VERY careful

Mildew Smell out of Clothes

3: Pour on some. Remember that Hot water will shrink your clothes and cause the dye to bleed off. So be aware of this before you throw them in the Hot Water.

Mildew Smell out of Clothes

4: Pour 1 scoop of Baking Soda


Mildew Smell out of Clothes

5:  1 full scoop of Oxy Cleaning


Mildew Smell out of Clothes

6: Stir with the plunger REMEMBER its superhot, so be careful! After this stage you need to let the fabric sit for a few hours. We let it rest for 3 hours before we continued with the next stage.


Mildew Smell out of Clothes

7: After you have let the water sit for a few hours, you need to pour out the water out.


Mildew Smell out of Clothes

8: Put your Fabric in the Washer on the hottest settings, and wash with Baking SodaSoap again. 


Mildew Smell out of Clothes

9: Use a little scoop of [easyazon_link identifier=”B000RO08L0″ locale=”US” tag=”51883236-20″]White vinegar[/easyazon_link] again.


Mildew Smell out of Clothes

10:  If your washer has Sanitizer use it, and click Start

So as you can see now, getting rid of that nasty mildew smell from your clothing is much easier than you might have thought. All you need is a few simple household products, and you can begin the process of eliminating the smell of mold and mildew from fabric that you want to wear. There are many answers to the question of How To Get Mildew Smell out of Clothes.

There are some professional products out there like Concrobium and RMR-86 that can have more direct and powerful results. Both RMR-86 and Concrobium are liquid mold control solutions that can be added in with a load of clothes that smell like mildew, and they tend to have immediate and powerful results.
These products are used in professional mold removal and are made to work not only on clothes, but anywhere there is mold. They are relatively cheap as well, so if you aren’t satisfied with conventional household remedies for mildew smell removal, you might want to try them out!

If you prefer to watch a video and take it step by step. You can watch on Youtube.



Mildew Smell out of Clothes